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Ski Trip Booking Form Privacy Policy


  • public = Data probably printed for all participants, to help in case of [re-] planning contingencies during the trip.
  • private = Data mostly for organiser before trip.
  • There may be some fuzziness/ changes on the publicpublic/ privateprivate classification: Sometimes it's useful for other trip participants to have more info to help on unforseen contingencies. (Contingencies occur much more often on our multi-car multi-pension ski trips than EG on commercial bus single-hotel non-ski trips)

I Do Not Guarantee Data Privacy !

  • In worst case all your data might become public, (though that's not the intent).
  • Collecting, compiling, tabulating, sorting & selectively publishing organised data is time consuming enough. No one pays me to do it. I'm not prepared to donate extra time to guarantee commercial levels of data privacy.
  • You may be invited to join mail lists (EG Beer garden Etc &/or ski & other events I & other club organisers run.
  • Data is not made available to public, club committee or random club members en masse, but individual contact info might be, if I think it reasonable.
  • Data is not sold to anyone.
  • I'm not being paid to collect or guard you data & do not spend time to treat it as particularly confidential. If you don't like that, don't give any data, & don't come one the trip, go on some commercially organised trip instead.
  • If I notice you work for a computer company, I Julian might one day ask you if you know of freelance Unix/ Internet/ Systems Engineer/ Programmer/ Systems Admin type jobs.


  • Mobile numbers are listed, because although international mobile calls can be damned expensive, they're useful in emergency.
  • Home & Work numbers are not listed on the the printed sheet given to participants: Not necessary on trip.
  • Transaction logs taken by the web form are not readable by general public.
  • Web form does not use shttp encryption - No secret financial info involved !
  • Data is mailed from the web server to organiser unencrypted, (encryption might be added later).

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System