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Raspberry Pi etc Notes

This is:

By Julian H. Stacey


Mail List Threads


2022-06-18 Removal of old Linux data image from Sdcard

cd /dev
/bin/ls -1 > ~/tmp/0
insert card
/bin/ls -1 > ~/tmp/1
diff -c ~/tmp/0 ~/tmp/1; rm ~/tmp/0 ~/tmp/1
 + da0 da0s1 da0s2 da0s5 da0s6 da0s7 ext2fs msdosfs pass4 ugen0.4
cd /pri/pi
dd if=/dev/da0 of=da0
 15193+1 records in 15193+1 records out
 15931539456 bytes transferred in 1521 secs (10474299 bytes/sec)
 25 min 21 sec
dc 25 60 * 21 + p 1521
dc 15931539456 1521 / p

2022 Re-Installing Linux

  • cd /pri/pi/linux;
    dd if=da0 of=/dev/da0;
      31116288+0 records in 31116288+0 records out
      15931539456 bytes transferred in 109253.340153 secs
    (145822 bytes/sec)
    ( 30+ hours: dc 109253 60 / p 1820 60 / p 30 )
  • iostat
    tty             md0             ada0              da0             cpu
    tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
    1     7  0.00   2  0.00  24.18  27  0.64   0.52 315  0.16   1  0  1  0 98
  • Linux boots OK, it say for rescue mode push Shift Up arrow, I did that, doesn't work, comes up in Firefox, mouse & keyboard work via USB I don't see how to get an xterm & su root

2022 Installing FreeBSD

Sample Writes:
  • ls -l FreeBSD-13.1-STABLE-arm64-aarch64-RPI-20220916-f42139db639-252407.img
  • fdisk /dev/da0
    ******* Working on device /dev/da0 *******
    parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
    cylinders=1936 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
    Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
    parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
    cylinders=1936 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
    Media sector size is 512
    Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
    Information from DOS bootblock is:
    The data for partition 1 is:
    sysid 12 (0x0c),(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT (LBA))
        start 2048, size 102400 (50 Meg), flag 80 (active)
            beg: cyl 0/ head 32/ sector 33;
            end: cyl 6/ head 127/ sector 57
    The data for partition 2 is:
    sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
        start 104448, size 10381312 (5069 Meg), flag 0
            beg: cyl 6/ head 127/ sector 58;
            end: cyl 652/ head 180/ sector 40
    The data for partition 3 is:
    The data for partition 4 is:
    disklabel /dev/da0s2
    # /dev/da0s2:
    8 partitions:
    #          size     offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
      a:   10381184        128    4.2BSD        0     0     0
      c:   10381312          0    unused        0     0     # "raw" part, don't edit
  • After some configuration & make & pkg install, System boot locked up with:
  (OCR'd from a photo .jpg via .tiff & tesseract)
  uhub2: NTT enabled
  uhub2: 3 ports with 2 renovable, self pouered
  ugenl.4: <vendor BxB424 product Bx7888> at ushusi
  nuged on uhub?
  nuged: <vendor BxB424 product 8x7888, rev 2.18/3.88, addr 4> on usbusl
  nuged: Chip ID Bx7888 rev 8882
  miibusB: <MII bus> on muged
  ukphyB: <Generic IEEE 882.3u nedia interface> PHY 1 on mniibus@
  ukphyB: none, 1BbaseT, 1@baseT-FDX, 188baseTX, 18@baseTX-FDX, 1888baseT, 18@BbaseT-naster, 1088baseT-FDX, 1008baseT-FDX-naster, auto
  veB: CUSB Ethernet> on nuged
  vel: Ethernet address: bB:27:eb:a2:97:58
  pid 17 (sh), jid @, uid 8, was killed: failed to reclain menory
  pid 1314 (sh), jid @, vid 8, vas killed: failed to reclain [ ]}
  pid 1335 (sh), jid @, uid B, vas killed: failed to reclain nenory
  ugenl.5: <Buddy Buddy (TM) PS/2 Keyboard-PS/2 Mouse) at usbusi
  ukbd® on uhub2
  pid 2186 (sh). jid @, uid @, was killed: failed to reclain [ gT]
  pid 3393 (sh), jid @, uid @, was killed: failed to reclain
  pid 3432 (sh), jid @, uid 8, vas killed: failed to reclain nenory
  pid 3445 (sh), jid @, uid @, vas killed: failed to reclain [ = gT]
  pid 4275 (sh), jid @, uid @, was killed: failed to reclain nenory
  pid 5535 (sh). jid @, uid 8, was killed: failed to reclain [ - gT]
  pid 5939 (sh). jid @, uid @, was killed: failed to reclain nenory
  pid 7232 (sh), jid @, uid 8, vas killed: failed to reclain nenory
  iid 7778 (sh), jid 8, uid 8, wes killed: failed to reclain nenory
So a reinstall:
dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da1 \
1,310,720+0 records in 1,310,720+0 records out
5,368,709,120 bytes transferred in 2,432 secs (2,206,763 bytes/sec)

After a bit of config, boot then started hanging on USB kbd adapter
& also on ethernet.
  • See Also: booting
  • 13.1-REL to announce@: "For convenience for those without console access to the system, a freebsd user with a password of freebsd is available by default for ssh(1) access. Additionally, the root user password is set to root"
  • Old Experiment: Writing a USB Stick: Transcend 4G Micro SD HC
    dd if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI-B.img of=/dev/da0
  6291456+0 records in 6291456+0 records out
  3221225472 bytes transferred in 11991.758566 secs
(268620 bytes/sec)
3 hours 20 mins 52 secs dc 3 60 * 20 + 60 * 52 + p 12052
ls /dev/da*
/dev/da0 /dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s2a
fdisk /dev/da0
******* Working on device /dev/da0 *******
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=486 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=486 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
    sysid 12 (0x0c),(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT (LBA))
        start 1071, size 102312 (49 Meg), flag 80 (active)
        beg: cyl 0/ head 17/ sector 1;
        end: cyl 6/ head 110/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:
    sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
        start 103383, size 6188049 (3021 Meg), flag 0
        beg: cyl 6/ head 111/ sector 1;
        end: cyl 391/ head 158/ sector 63
The data for partition 3 is:
The data for partition 4 is:

Writing to USB Stick Hama 16G

statv /dev/da1 # Optimal I/O: 4096
dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da1 \
dd if=FreeBSD-13.1-STABLE-arm64-aarch64-RPI-20220916-f42139db639-252407.img bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da1
1310720+0 records in
1310720+0 records out
5,368,709,120 bytes transferred in 20084.456151 secs (267,307 bytes/sec)

Making A Local Backup On Pi

From device of entire live mounted FS on sdcard to a USB connected disk
 Filesystem             1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/ufs/rootfs         15001820  3489400 10312276    25%    /
 /dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT     51140    25048    26092    49%    /boot/msdos
mkdir /media/disk76
mount /dev/da0a /media/disk76
cd /media/disk76/rasp/bak
dd if=/dev/ufs/rootfs \
 of=/media/disk76/rasp/bak/rootfs.`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`
        31008640+0 records in 31008640+0 records out
        15876423680 bytes in 12154 secs (1,306,258 bytes/sec)

dd bs=1m conv=sync if=/dev/ufs/rootfs \

dd if=/dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT \
 of=/media/disk76/rasp/bak/msdosfs.`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`
        102400+0 records in 102400+0 records out
        52428800 bytes in 40 secs (1,310,472 bytes/sec)

dd bs=4k conv=sync if=/dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT \
 of=/media/disk76/rasp/bak/msdosfs.`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`
        12800+0 records in 12800+0 records out
        52428800 bytes in 8 secs (6,687,863 bytes/sec)

Grep firstboot

/etc/defaults/rc.conf /etc/rc /etc/rc.d/growfs /etc/rc.d/zpoolreguid Binary file /boot/kernel/linprocfs.ko /usr/lib/debug/boot/kernel/linprocfs.ko.debug

Revert To Release,
as it keeps locking on keyboard or disk, maybe its lack of power On unstable OS

ls -l FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img # 3,221,225,472

dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
54,521,856 bytes in 23 secs (2,350,781 bytes/sec)

dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
   312,438,784 bytes transferred in 138 (2,259,851 bytes/sec)
 1,432,596,480 bytes transferred in 629 secs (2276835 bytes/sec)

patched out devd entries for fsck & mount which I assume were
fighting the dd, rebooted

dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
     3,665,920 bytes 2 secs (1,751,671 bytes/sec)
   843,067,392 bytes (2246080 bytes/sec)
 1,753,632,768 bytes (2,246,314 bytes/sec)
   376,238,080 bytes (2,226,330 bytes/sec)
   454,811,648 bytes (2,277,168 bytes/sec)
 eject insert
   175,890,432 bytes (3,096,687 bytes/sec)
 2,018,119,680 bytes (2,269,572 bytes/sec)
 1,025,576,960 bytes (2,286,715 bytes/sec)
 1,066,283,008 bytes (2,292,547 bytes/sec)
 2,742,292,480 bytes (2,262,944 bytes/sec)
  ,320,192,512 bytes (2,273,728 bytes/sec)
 3,041,107,968 bytes (2,255,345 bytes/sec)
  ,100,208,640 bytes (2,946,432 bytes/sec)
  ,570,073,088 bytes (2,262,283 bytes/sec)
 3,053,662,208 bytes (2,271,066 bytes/sec)
  ,640,061,440 bytes (2,252,290 bytes/sec)

dd bs=32k conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
  ,297,566,208 bytes (5,690,469 bytes/sec)
  ,261,292,032 bytes (5,448,066 bytes/sec)

dd bs=1m conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
   24,117,248 bytes (9,179,631 bytes/sec)
   50,331,648 bytes (7,889,524 bytes/sec)
  308,281,344 bytes (7,631,237 bytes/sec)

dd bs=4k conv=sync of=/dev/da0 if=FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img
 2,581,426,176 bytes (2,906,447 bytes/sec)
786432+0 records in 786432+0 records out
3,221,225,472 bytes 1453 secs (2,216,639 bytes/sec)
3,221,225,472 Sep 20 00:59 FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img NEEDED

dd bs=4k if=/dev/da0 of=check count=786432
cmp OK, booted

That too after keeps hanging on keyboard & ethernet
So next inspect that growfs & all else in rc.conf

Local Files, Not On Web

Old notes from vpn for Jim's Pi

Analysis of File System Layouts On An SD Card,
from Jim's Raspberry Pi TV VPN 2018-07 & 2018-09,
(the 2nd micro card, for faster Pi, in the bigger box)

Why: To understand how to access file system layouts
on the SD Card, when mounted on BSD, for use with find & grep.

SanDisk Ultra 16GB C10 A1 micro SD HC I

See Also: ~/tech/pi/vpn/

Log Below, Index of marks on left Margin:
.. Common figures or text, the same on both version 1 & 2, 2018-07 & 09
<< Figures from version 1, 2018-07
>> Figures from version 2, 2018-09

.. dmesg: da0: Serial Number 20071114173400000
..  da0: 15,193MB (31,116,288 512 byte sectors)

.. dc 31116288 512 * p                                        15,931,539,456 bytes

.. /bin/ls -1 /dev/da0*    # da0 da0s1 da0s2 da0s5 da0s6 da0s7
.. dd if=/dev/da0   bs=1m of=da0_complete   # 15193+1 records 15,931,539,456 bytes
<< dd if=/dev/da0s1 bs=1m of=da0s1_recovery #                  1,681,805,824 bytes
>> dd if=/dev/da0s1 bs=1m of=d1_recovery    #  1604+1 records  1,682,805,760 bytes
<< dd if=/dev/da0s2 bs=1m of=da0s2.dos_mbr  #                 14,245,539,328 bytes
>> dd if=/dev/da0s2 bs=1m of=da0s2.dos_mbr  # 13584+1 records 14,244,539,392 bytes
<< dd if=/dev/da0s5 bs=1m of=da0s5_ext4     #                     33,553,408 bytes
>> dd if=/dev/da0s5 bs=1m of=da0s5_ext4     #    31+1 records     33,553,408 bytes
<< dd if=/dev/da0s6 bs=1m of=da0s6_dos_mbr2 #                     72,351,744 bytes
>> dd if=/dev/da0s6 bs=1m of=da0s6_dos_mbr2 #    69+0 records     72,351,744 bytes
<< dd if=/dev/da0s7 bs=1m of=da0s7_ext4     #                 14,136,377,344 bytes
>> dd if=/dev/da0s7 bs=1m of=da0s7_ext4     # 13477+1 records 14,132,183,040 bytes

.. Checking if last partial record (1M block) from dd is shorter than dmesg:
..   dc
..         15931539456 1024 / 1024 / p
..         15193 1024 * 1024 * p
..         15931015168
..         15931539456 - p
..         -524288                 # Bytes beyond last 1 meg block.
..         1024 / p
..         -512
..         1024 * p
..         -524288                 # Exactly half a meg beyond last 1 meg block.
.. No, dd if=/dev/da0 did not loose the last half meg block.

.. Seeing if all /dev/da0s[0-9] sizes sum to size of /dev/da0 dc
<<     1681805824       # da0s1_recovery
>>     1682805760       # da0s1_recovery
<<    14245539328 +     # da0s2.dos_mbr
>>    14244539392 +     # da0s2.dos_mbr
..       33553408 +
..       72351744 +
<<    14136377344 + p   # da0s7_ext4
>>    14132183040 + p   # da0s7_ext4
<<    30169627648       Bytes in use in all partitions,
>>    30165433344       Bytes in use in all partitions,
.. No: /dev/da0s[0-9] slices do Not sum to size of /dev/da0
.. da0s2 & da0s7 must overlap
<< da0s2 - da0s7                   dc 14245539328 14136377344 - p 109,161,984
>> da0s2 - da0s7                   dc 14244539392 14132183040 - p 112,356,352
<< da0s5 + da0s6                   dc    33553408    72351744 + p 105,905,152
>> da0s5 + da0s6                   dc    33553408    72351744 + p 105,905,152
<< da0s2 - da0s7 - (da0s5 + da0s6) dc   109161984   105905152 - p   3,256,832
>> da0s2 - da0s7 - (da0s5 + da0s6) dc   112356352   105905152 - p   6,451,200

.. Sizes    Bytes          512 byte sectors
..   da0    15,931,539,456 31,116,288
<<   da0s1   1,681,805,824  3,284,777
>>   da0s1   1,682,805,760  3,286,730
<<   da0s2  14,245,539,328 27,823,319
>>   da0s2  14,244,539,392 27,821,366
..   da0s5      33,553,408     65,534
..   da0s6      72,351,744    141,312
<<   da0s7  14,136,377,344 27,610,112
>>   da0s7  14,132,183,040 27,601,920

.. Examining the plugged in sdcard:
.. gpart show
..   =>      63  31116225  da0  MBR  (15G)
..           63      8129       - free -  (4.0M)
<<         8192   3284777    1  !14  (1.6G)
>>         8192   3286730    1  !14  (1.6G)
<<      3292969  27823319    2  ebr  (13G)
>>      3294922  27821366    2  ebr  (13G)

<<   =>       0  27823319  da0s2  EBR  (13G)
>>   =>       0  27821366  da0s2  EBR  (13G)
<<            0     65749      1  linux-data  (32M)
>>            0     71988      1  linux-data  (32M)
<<        65749    141314   1044  fat32lba  (69M)
>>        71988    141314   1143  fat32lba  (69M)
<<       207063  27616256   3287  linux-data  (13G)
>>       213302  27608064   3386  linux-data  (13G)

.. Examining the image of the sdcard
<< cd ~/tech/pi/vpn/images/v1.2018-07
>> cd ~/tech/pi/vpn/images/v2.2018-09
.. mdconfig -a -t vnode -f da0_complete # md2
.. gpart show /dev/md2                           # dc
..   =>      63  31116225  md2  MBR  (15G)       # 63 31116225  + p 31116288
..                                               #    31116225 512 * p 15931507200
..           63      8129       - free -  (4.0M) # 63 8129      + p 8192
..                                               #    8129 512 * p 4162048
<<         8192   3284777    1  !14  (1.6G)      # 8192 3284777 + p 3292969
>>         8192   3286730    1  !14  (1.6G)      # 8192 3286730 + p 3294922
<<                                               #      3284777 512 * p 1681805824
>>                                               #      3286730 512 * p 1682805760
<<      3292969  27823319    2  ebr  (13G)       # 3292969 27823319 + p # 31116288
>>      3294922  27821366    2  ebr  (13G)       # 3294922 27821366 + p # 31116288
<<                                               #         27823319 512 * p 14245539328
>>                                               #         27821366 512 * p 14244539392
..   So gpart shows Start   Size      in 512 byte blocks I presume

<< mdconfig -a -t vnode -f da0s2.dos_mbr # Not Done
>> mdconfig -a -t vnode -f da0s2.dos_mbr # md3
<< gpart show /dev/md3 # Not Done
>> gpart show /dev/md3
>>   =>      63  27821303  md3  MBR  (13G)
>>           63      6391       - free -  (3.1M)
>>         6454     65534    1  linux-data  (32M)
>>        71988  27749378    2  ebr  (13G)

.. dd if=da0_complete of=da0_mbr1                     count=63
.. dd if=da0_complete of=da0_free        skip=63      count=8129
<< dd if=da0_complete of=da0s1_recovery  skip=8192    count=3284777
>> dd if=da0_complete of=da0s1_recovery  skip=8192    count=3286730
<< dd if=da0_complete of=da0s2.dos_mbr   skip=3292969
>> dd if=da0_complete of=da0s2.dos_mbr   skip=3294922

.. gpart backup /dev/md2 > da0_gpart_text
..         MBR 4
<<         1 !14     8192  3284777
>>         1 !14     8192  3286730
<<         2 ebr  3292969 27823319
>>         2 ebr  3294922 27821366

..   echo "15931539456 512 / p" | dc # 31116288
..   echo "    4162048 512 / p" | dc #     8129
..   echo "      32256 512 / p" | dc #       63
<<   echo " 1681805824 512 / p" | dc #  3284777
>>   echo " 1682805760 512 / p" | dc #  3286730
<<   echo "14245539328 512 / p" | dc # 27823319
>>   echo "14244539392 512 / p" | dc # 27821366
..   echo "   33553408 512 / p" | dc #    65534
..   echo "   72351744 512 / p" | dc #   141312
<<   echo "14136377344 512 / p" | dc # 27610112
>>   echo "14132183040 512 / p" | dc # 27601920

.. fdisk da0
..         ******* Working on device /dev/da0 *******
..         parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
..         cylinders=1936 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

..         Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
..         parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
..         cylinders=1936 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

..         Media sector size is 512
..         Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
..         Information from DOS bootblock is:
..         The data for partition 1 is:
..         sysid 14 (0x0e),(Primary 'big' DOS (>= 32MB, LBA))
<<             start 8192, size 3284777 (1603 Meg), flag 0
>>             start 8192, size 3286730 (1604 Meg), flag 0
..                 beg: cyl 128/ head 0/ sector 1;
..                 end: cyl 1023/ head 3/ sector 16
..         The data for partition 2 is:
..         sysid 5 (0x05),(Extended DOS)
<<             start 3292969, size 27823319 (13585 Meg), flag 0
>>             start 3294922, size 27821366 (13584 Meg), flag 0
..                 beg: cyl 1023/ head 3/ sector 16;
..                 end: cyl 1023/ head 3/ sector 16
..         The data for partition 3 is:
..         <UNUSED>
..         The data for partition 4 is:
..         <UNUSED>

.. file *
..   da0_complete: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xe, start-CHS
..   (0x80,0,1), end-CHS (0x3ff,3,16), startsector 8192,
<<   3284777
>>   3286730
..   sectors; partition 2: ID=0x5, start-CHS (0x3ff,3,16), end-CHS
..   (0x3ff,3,16), startsector
<<   3292969, 27823319 sectors
>>   3294922, 27821366 sectors

..   da0s1_recovery: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x0+2, OEM-ID "MSWIN4.1",
..       sectors/cluster 32, reserved sectors
<<       92,
>>       90,
..       Media descriptor 0xf8, sectors/track 63, heads 255,
..       hidden sectors 8192, sectors
<<       3284777
>>       3286730
..      (volumes > 32 MB), FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT
<<       802,
>>       803,
..       serial number
<<       0xb729c3cd,
>>       0xf8027449,
..       label: "RECOVERY   "

..   da0s2.dos_mbr: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83,
..       start-CHS (0x3ff,3,16),
..       end-CHS (0x3ff,3,16),
<<       startsector 215,
>>       startsector 6454,
..       65534 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x5,
..       start-CHS (0x3ff,3,16),
..       end-CHS (0x3ff,3,16),
<<       startsector 65749,
>>       startsector 71988,
<<       27757570 sectors,
>>       27749378 sectors,
..       extended partition table

..   da0s5_ext4: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data,
<<   UUID=af44e4b5-2af0-412b-a449-51505d45eaf7, volume name "SETTINGS"
>>   UUID=158a6de8-04e3-4f24-a80a-51e88bb12a52, volume name "SETTINGS"
..   (extents) (huge files)

..   da0s6_dos_mbr2: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x58+2, OEM-ID
..   "mkfs.fat", Media descriptor 0xf8, sectors/track 16, heads 4,
<<   hidden sectors 3358720,
>>   hidden sectors 3366912,
..   sectors 141312 (volumes > 32 MB), FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 1087,
<<   reserved 0x1, serial number 0x722dbf63,
>>   serial number 0xfdf5d9b1,
..   label: "boot"

..   da0s7_ext4: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data,
<<   UUID=2aad647e-366f-440c-b594-75050b18d4cf,
<<   volume name "root" (needs journal recovery) (extents) (large files)
>>   UUID=a60c9fda-f984-4474-b2e8-cb0d2f897f97,
>>   volume name "root" (extents) (large files)

.. dc
<<    1681805824   # da0s1_recovery
<<   14245539328   # da0s2.dos_mbr
>>    1682805760   # da0s1_recovery
>>   14244539392   # da0s2.dos_mbr
..   +
..      33553408   # da0s5_ext4
..   +
..      72351744   # da0s6_dos_mbr2
..   +
<<   14136377344   # da0s7_ext4
>>   14132183040   # da0s7_ext4
..   + p
<<   30169627648
>>   30165433344

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