Cross Channel Ferry Ports & Rail
- Not an entrapment site selling or promoting tickets on
commission, no adverts, no kickbacks to author.
- Just Lists Of Ferry Ports &
Routes Between British Isles & Continental Europe, Ferry Companies, & Government Corona Restrictions
- for when Disruptions hit
channel crossings, & author & others searching other routes
across the Channel, Perhaps stuck in a car in France or
Belgium, on a high cost roaming mobile smart phone, searching which ports
have Ferries to drive to, &
avoiding agent entrapment sites, & averse to sites
burdened with spurious slow flashy bandwidth eating graphics,
so as much searching as possible is
done prior to travel, & linked here. Status Reports - Translations - Maps Map of ferry
- Author a
British resident in Continental Europe (Brexit damaged British
living in the EU, & EU people living in the UK (way
beyond what tourists see, eg: stopping Brits to EU bringing
any Cheddar, Scotch eggs, Bacon, & reduced to 2 bottles
of Port).
Continental European Ports (In North
East to South West order)
- Esbjerg, Denmark
- Cuxhaven, Germany
- Bremerhaven, Germany
- Amsterdam, Holland
- Rotterdam, Holland
- Hook = Hoek, Holland
- Zeebrugge, Belgium
- Ostend, Belgium
- Dunkirk, France: - East Port Freight
- Dunkirk, France: - West Port Car Ferries
- Calais, France
- Chunnel - Channel Tunnel,
Coquelles, Calais, France
- Boulogne, France
- Dieppe, France
- Le Havre, France
- Caen, France
- Cherbourg, France
- St Malo, France
- Roscoff, France
- Bilbao, Spain
English (& Irish) Ports (In
clockwise order: North East, South East, South West, North
West & Ireland)
- Hull, England
- Harwich, Suffolk, England
- Ramsgate, Kent,
- Dover, Kent,
- Folkestone, Kent, Kent,
- Chunnel = Channel Tunnel,
Folkestone, Kent, England
- Newhaven, East
Sussex, England
- Portsmouth, Hampshire,
- Southampton, Hampshire,
- Poole, Hampshire,
- Weymouth, Hampshire,
- Plymouth, Hampshire,
- Liverpool, England
- Rosslare, Southern Ireland =
- Belfast, Northern Ireland
Ferry Companies (Short crossings
- Status Reports
- Travel Tips
- Disruptions
- Migrants
- Author
Channel & North Sea Ports With Car Ferry Routes
English Channel & North Sea
East of
Bruge) - To Ramsgate ,
- Ferries: at West Port
Freight at East
- Town: wikipedia
Dunkirk, France - Both Ports
- Old, for small ships.
- OpenStreetMap
Google pic. of Eastern port adjacent to Western
edge of Dunkirk, France old centre of
ports . com (East: not a ferry
- port . fr
Bad web site (tried in both French &
- No mention of which of East
or West port for ferries, frequencies,
or departure times, destinations
If in desperation you click on eg
"grand-port" You get finance &
politics, nothing about which of the 2
is the bigger ferry port
- Includes a
picture of Eastern
- No Ferry Status
Report (unlike eg Calais, France) (Yet they
index a Status Report for non passenger
ship departures) and they hide one
picture of a ferry (5th pic. among
12), if you search
long enough.
No plain bold statement eg
"West port for ferries.", so you have
to examine same size aerial photos of
both East & West ports, compare
sizes, & deduce East port has
lock gates to an inner harbour,
before it's obvious:
- East port is older, for
small ships.
- West Port is newer,
larger, For Passenger Ferries.
- Before discovering the
above, one wastes time searching,
assuming there's probably some other
web site for the Western passenger
ferry port, but eventually realising:
No, their web site seems to cover both
ports, & has Nothing
- Even their other port
selector is stupid (when you find it):
They only accept daft "Douvres", Not
co-labeled "/Dover", (even when English
not French is selected) The idiots
assume all travelers inc. not just
English speakers, but Germans &
Polish, Spanish speakers etc using
English as a 2nd Language will All know
to Only search
for Dover by
French name of "Douvres"
- No link to PortDeDunkerque
. fr noticed.
- PortDeDunkerque
. fr
fr . wikipedia . org / wiki / Grand_ port_
maritime_ de_ Dunkerque
- ports -
guides . com 28 nm to Dover shown in 2 straight
If searching French press to see if calais is
experiencing chaos,
(like French Border Guards cause at Dover, & in Kent up the M20), try
- Ferries: Irish Ferries (New Route 2022)
& DFDS & Disgraced P&O
Ferries & Chunnel = Channel Tunnel to Folkestone, Kent, England
- wikipedia
- calais - port
. com Useful Status Report but (after a week)
fixed text still falsely states "Jusqu'à 3
départs par heure, 24h/24 et 7j/7" (3
departures per hour" even when only P&O is shown,
& DFDS not listed, presumably
as ex still striking. Sample from
2015.07.12 17:02 : 10 ships between 17:15 &
- calais -
port . fr
- ports .
com 27 nm to Dover if sailed
in straight lines
- To Dover: 1.5 hours,
33 Sailings Daily
Another migrant camp -
Adjacent East of final left turn West into approach
road to port.
Chaos ? Extra Links to search from
Remember to also search
English media for traffic chaos.
map of migrant camps, tunnel & port
Sangatte old closed migrant
camp - OpenStreetMap
- Calais, France is a nice
little town worth a visit, enormous free car park
adjacent to high street, I much enjoyed a stroll along
high street & into the park (maybe 2014 or 2013 ?
while waiting for booked ferry), & giant pictures
of global environmental features in the park, though I
guess pictures probably long gone).
- The migrant camp was
cleared once or twice, but is back @ 219. Occasionally
migrant block cars on
autoroute, cars then blocks the trucks, migrant invade back of trucks, chucking
out boxes to make room for more migrant. Lots more barbed wire fences
near Calais, France port. French
army with machine guns before the French border
inspection, Then British border guards, they very often
examine vehicles, looking for smuggled people, not
goods, (being EU, no one's interested, pre Brexit ;-) Then
comes the ferry company: Their cameras recognise car
reg. no. (at least they do in Dover, I recall in Calais, France too) I always have booking
reference number on paper, & show it with passport.
(Ferry wants to see passport, as ferry co. get fined if
they transport illegals).
Chunnel = Channel Rail Tunnel
Eurostar - Coquelles, Calais, France To Folkestone, Kent, England
& Ashford & London
St Malo, France,
Brittany=Bretagne, France (South of Jersey &
Guernsey) To Portsmouth, Hampshire,
England England,
& Poole, , Hampshire,
England England via Jersey
Hull, East Riding of
Yorkshire, England
Harwich, Suffolk,
- Ferries: Stena
Lines to Hook of Holland
- Port of HARWICH (GB HRW)
- Harwich, Suffolk, England is at the extreme North
East corner of Essex, South side of the Stour
Estuary, with Felixstowe,
Suffolk, on the north side of the same estuary. Route
South West through Colchester then Chelmsford to
London, if you want Kent, it's
over the
QE2 high suspension bridge, pay that
toll on the web [link needed] "
Pay by midnight tomorrow" else get fined.
gov . uk / government / news / dart - charge -
dartford - crossing - remote - payment
. uk / pay - dartford - crossing - charge
DFDS Sirena Seaways struck Harwich, Suffolk, England
June 22 2013 Listed in case it resumes
- Solution for Dover Port
- Irish Ferries
- Disgraced
P&O Ferries
- OpenStreetMap
(Eastern docks for all Ferries)
Coming from continent to UK: Before leaving docks,
well before seeing the roundabout (that is
immediately outside docks, but when you can see it,
it is too late!): Stay in Right lane for the M20, a
shorter motorway to London via Folkestone, Kent. It's
all too easy to make the mistake in the ports, of
practicing keeping in left lane now in England, then
as exiting customs, if you don't switch to right
lane, you will by mistake be swept up the ramp to
dual carriageway to Canterbury, which has the M2 to
London, but less & older motorway & longer
distance. You cannot just go round the roundabout
because even inside the docks the left filter lane
has concrete walls blocking access from left lane to
the roundabout.
- Wikipedia
Chaos ? Extra Links to search from
Remember to also search French
media for traffic chaos.
- 2022-09-29
BBC: Dover summer queue warning under new EU border
Folkestone, Kent
Newhaven, East
Sussex, England
Portsmouth, Hampshire,
England, West of Isle of Wight
England, North of Isle of Wight
Poole, Hampshire,
England near Bournemouth
- Beyond Lands End, Cornwall, North to ....
Ireland then a 2nd ferry to Wales or England.
ports . com /
sea / english - channel /
An index of ports from mariners perspective, Not Ferry
Passengers Perspective.
Portsmouth, Hampshire,
England - { Le Havre, France, Caen, France , { Cherbourg,
France ( 3 hours, 9
Sailings Weekly)} } ; Poole , Hampshire,
England - Cherbourg, France ; Portsmouth, Hampshire,
England - Roscoff, France.
Ferry Agents
Book ferry in advance by internet, cheaper than at
port. Within last 24 hours it costs more.
Through Luxembourg for cheaper fuel. No autoroute toll
charge on route I used. From Aachen to Calais, France, Brussels always has
traffic jams. 120 km/h in Belgium, 130 in France.
Belgium to France border heading West from Brussels:
Since Brussels bombers in Paris: 2018 it was a single
diversion off autoroute, drive round a roundabout,
giving police a chance to view people, back on
autoroute. 2019-03 it was 2 roundabouts, & when
back on autoroute, single file a long way in fast lane,
with police cars parked in slow lane, ready as chase
Alcohol Breathalysers,
France requires cars have 2 alcohol breathalysers,
(chemical not electronic).
[Only if you are competent to work out the light
pattern in advance eg in a dark garage] : No need on
ferry to buy little stick on bits for lights (as dipped
lights on continental cars go to right, blinding
oncoming British drivers). Instead just look carefully
at headlamp glass, & see where the prisms are:
German lights when dipped, have prisms on left of
glass, that bend light to the right to illuminate
german pedestrians at right of road. Just block those
prisms. My Subaru prisms section is from memory maybe
6cm long & 4cm high, tapering in toward centre. I
normally tape up while waiting in the port.
Toll crossing under River Thames:
Avoid the London congestion zone.
(In chronological order, later to be
Dover / Calais,
France ferry or tunnel
or some other ports disrupted
(eg by weather, strikes, Corona
pandemic government restrictions either side of the
channel, Brexit a UK
NI / GB Irish trade disruption; Disgraced P&O
Ferries sacking 800 staff &
stopping all Ferries without
notice, etc) ? Find another ferry port to/ from England
2019 or earlier: Brexit money wasted
on Un-realised Ports & Ferry Co
2020 & 2021 Corona pandemic
UK government has varying regulations for France,
Belgium, Netherlands & Germany, Denmark (that they
change at extremely short notice, provoking
chaotic pressure to rush back to UK early to avoid
quarantine) .
List mailman
. berklix . org / mailman / listinfo / bg - chat
also discusses travel to/from UK., eg extracts from
mailman . berklix . org / mailman / private / bg - chat
/ 2020q3 / 000269 . html
gov . uk / guidance / coronavirus - covid - 19 -
countries - and - territories - exempt - from -
advice - against - all - but - essential -
international - travel
Mere advice from Johnson's
liar regime
that also illegally
pro-rogued parliament , & failed to
Corona differentiate between Spain & Spanish
Balearic Islands
UK law is of more interest than mere UK advice, so
searching for
mandatory regulations:
gov . uk / guidance / coronavirus - covid - 19 -
travel - corridors
Which @ 2020-08-17 was too Loosely worded, &
failed to address specifics, so I sent section below
to government with button: Is there anything wrong
with this page?
- In ferry queue, passenger _can_ get out,
even if they don't.
- Driver has to stop close to ferry inspector,
& receive ticket, Is it "mix with other people"
- Driver has to stop close to customs, hand
& receive passport Is it "mix with other
people" ? Driver sometime must get out, walk round,
open boot & or doors for smuggled immigrant
& goods check Is it "mix with other people"
- We have to "mix with other people" walking
up from car to passenger deck inside French
quarantined territorial waters. Regulations do not
provide exemption.
- People will probably get out of vehicle for
toilet somewhere in transit country/ies, or at port
in quarantined France, or on board ferry in French
territorial water (unless a vehicle is a camper van
with toilet, or unless a male alone by a bush) What
of that is "mix with other people" ?
Johnson's UK regime regularly fumbles regulations
at just a few hours notice (eg at same time school to
university exam results), so
better read something more worth while
Wikipedia on prevention of COVID-19 pandemic
Another possible way (apart from fly from Munich to UK) to avoid the
via Calais, France to UK
quarantine, might be to take a car train ? Though there
are no through trains through the tunnel from Germany.
All change in Brussels or Paris for passengers or Calais, France for cars. LJK thinks
car train is not even close to Chunnel terminal and discontinued.
car train from Germany None to France or UK: Search with :
car train munich england. They used to go to Calais, France and Perpignan and Naples,
etc... DB gave up the Autozug in 2016, all private now.
Car trains all over Europe shrinking, Calais, France not on the list...
tourenfahrer . de / reise / autoreisezuege - in -
europa /
politico . eu / article / ferry - firms - avoid -
britain - with - brexit - buster - services - from -
ireland - to - eu /
France and Ireland open new ferry routes to bypass
Solution For EU
Border Dover : Regular Kent Traffic Chaos from Lack Of
French Border Police At Dover
Some Dover & Kent Chaos Dates:
- 2023-04-01 &
2022-07-23 www
. bbc . co . uk / news / uk - england - kent -
- When France regularly fails to provide near
enough staff to Dover, the Dover Harbour
Board should actively randomly funnel enough
vehicles to keep French border guards fully loaded,
& redirect the overflow past the French
congestion, on into the port, (to the 2nd check
point, the (usually un-manned) UK Border Force
At 2022-08-04, Dover Harbour Board
fail to provide a webcam to view queue length of
their badly managed entry queue. Search for a
webcam for Dover UK (Not Dover USA)
Dover Harbour traffic control
staff could optionally issue windscreen mirror
hangers only to vehicles they direct in to queues
for French border police at Dover.
On the back, it could be stated:
- After parking your vehicle on the boat,
Optionally remove your ferry company's mirror
hanger, and/ or hang this longer mirror hanger
behind the ferry company's so the "Checked At Dover" logo & date at the
base, hangs visibly. .
- French frontier police at Calais, France may prioritise you
if you display "French Checked In Dover".
- Calais, France has masses
of space (built on concrete on sand dunes) for border
processing both ways, but there's very little space
at Dover, (built on concrete on
piles driven into see beyond the cliffs).
- All border processing in both directions would
better be done at Calais,
- The reason the French in recent decades switched
from Calais, France, to inspect
France arrivals at Dover , is it
was(pre Brexit) more
efficient & less queuing to receive vehicles in a
steady flow, rather than have delays in Calais, France, from surges of traffic
as ferries unload at Calais,
- Returning the French border from Dover back to Calais,
France would move any Dover
to Calais, France French/EU
created queue chaos back to Calais,
France port, relieving Dover
harbour, & town & M20 & Kent.
- Easier for French government to rustle up more
border guards at short notice for work in Calais, France, not having to wait
while they travel from France to Dover to work.
- French TV would more likely show problems in Calais, France than Dover. French TV viewers & voters
would become more aware its a French/ EU insistence
on stamping all passports that causes _their_
congestion in Calais, France.
Leave France, a member of the EU to negotiate how to
solve their problem. EU government does not care
while it remains just a British problem within the
If the French government respond by sulking &
retaliating & refuse to let British
Border Force work in Calais,
- Britain could still examine arrivals at Dover, it would just introduce
some delay just within the port of Dover, as ships unloaded, but
nowhere near the current mega delays in town of
Dover & the M20 would no
longer be massively congested either way, &
would avoid the lethal contra flow & smart
motorway & movable barriers idiocies Brexit brought.
- If the French withdrew [some] facilities at
Calais, France from UK
Border Force, (perhaps along with UK Customs),
& if Border Force needed to set up at Dover, could be considered.
As Dover wouldn't need so
much queue space for departures, that space could
be used by British
Border Force
- Costs: Consider the massive costs of M20
modifications, Lorry Parks, Operation Brock, &
ongoing costs to UK & Kent economy:
All wasted tax payer money, because while
Miss-planning Brexit, the politicians were stupid
enough Not to return the French border from Dover back to Calais,
France !
Forward ideas to politicians, journalists or government
department etc.
Don't suffer & just moan - Tell politicians to fix
their mess!
Contacts to explore:
- Postings to mailman
. berklix . org / mailman / listinfo /
Who To Blame ? Its more important to fix the problem,
than who to blame. So ignore anyone who just Blames
& fails to Solve ! That said there are some who
deserve some blame:
- Incompetent UK & French & EU government
planners: They had many years to plan Brexit ! eg The
UK spent years harassing UK company directors to plan
their companies Brexit strategies; but incompetent UK
government failed to plan it's own Brexit border
- French stamping all passports of all Brits
resident in UK is further daftness. French border
police have a time consuming crisis when they
encounter a British passport they previously stamped
more than 3 months ago (at random in middle of
passport, so they have to search each page of every
passport in the queue at Dover,
in case a previous idiot colleague in French border
police has done the same in others!), searching for
other without a matching EU exit stamp in last 3
months of 6 months elapsed).
French have delayed the queue, asking me Not to show
them my UK passport next time, but to show my German
residence permit. But it's too late now. They stamped
"Douvres" in my passport at Dover!
- French President Macron; Deliberately awkward
responding to Brexit, (Same
pettiness as his stated intent to bring "
to French citizens who were not vaccinated.) The
shortage of French frontier police at Dover, is not from Corona, or "technical issues" (The
French government excuse). They do it too often.
- Some corrupt con men politicians who profited
from Brexit &
lied what Brexit involved, & some corrupt
financiers who funded them, some foreigners illegally
corrupting UK politics, to fund some pro Brexit paid
media aka adverts etc. & of course some of the
ignorant electorate: Turkeys who voted for Christmas
- Disbelieve Brexiteer /
Con-Servative officials who assert it will go away
later with electronic stamping - The incompetents had
years to plan Brexit, & Failed us, The traveling
public paid taxes for these rogues salaries! Sack
incompetent managers and lieing politicians!
The generic term Migrants is used, not the specific term
Refugees, because it depends where someone comes from,
& conditions there, & reason for movement, &
laws vary, & until people are classified by local law
as legal refugees, illegal migrants, or whatever other
spectrum of names, the generic word Migrant is used, as
is used in eg annual bird migrations, summer migrations
cross channel also increase in summer
in reverse chronological order
ferry passengers warned of long delays as coaches queue
" Simon Calder, travel correspondent at the
Independent, said processing times since leaving the
EU had increased sharply "and that would seem to
explain the delays".
Speaking to BBC Breakfast, he said that each
individual passport must now be inspected and stamped
- and that having an EU border at Dover meant things
were "gumming up"."
Solution is to evict the
under staffed troublesome- since- Brexit, French
customs border back to Calais where they have far
more vehicle space & can find/ divert extra
French border police at shorter notice, not waiting
for them to travel from France to UK !
Blame Order:
- Blame France: imposing EU rules excessively:
[BBC wrote?] they want all passengers off busses to
inspect passports: Will take ages with busses of
pensioners. [Un-necessary as when Austria
wasn't in EU, at German / Austrian border I recall
seen customs walk down centre of bus inspecting
passports, (as well as some off bus action,
presumably checking some cases underneath, with
some case owners off the buss). + On a German train
customs walked down train, after we came from
Belgium (& UK before that)]
- Blame EU: for the their paranoid "no Brits in
Europe longer than 3 months " rule. [Its not
Brits who want to flood the EU, but mmigrants from
South & East of the Med!.]
- Blame British Turkeys who voted for Christmas:
those who voted for Brexit.
2023-04-03: BBC:
"Post-Brexit checks contributed to Dover delay, says
No 10" but will they evist the French border from
Dover ?
2023-03-03: BBC: Fire
on Isle of Innisfree ... 94 passengers and 89 crew,
owned by Irish Ferries.
(I'll still use it. I feel safer with multiple
exits to decks, than on a DFDS ship I regularly
previously used, that just has 2 long corridors to
open deck, one sometimes closed, & both easier
blocked in a panic.)
BBC Radio 4 additionally said: due to persistent
engine failure, ferry anchored mid channel
(Shallower than I thought then ? or long chain ?
or more likely not mid channel, but mid route, cos
ferries from Dover goes across toward France at right
angle (to avoid oblique longer exposure to collision
mid channel I assume), then turns left=port=East,
parallel along French coast to Calais.)
On a previous trip 2022-06-22 or 2022-07-03, after
boarding we had a Long wait before we could exit to any
deck, as the ship was still bunkering (=refueling) -
presumably fire risk. (We wanted to be on open deck to
reduce covid-19
risk.) Not certain which ship, but was Irish Ferries
- After some sailing noticing lifeboats with no plugs
in the drain holes, I photoed every lifeboat in same
condition. Complained up to First officer, who came up
with lame excuse, in event of emergency a member of staff
is detailed to each boat to put a plug in. Response:
& if he twists his ankle or otherwise doesn't arrive
in the chaos, the lifeboat will launch without - &
sink. Ferry company was risking passengers lives, to
reduce labour cost, avoiding routine temporary removal of
plugs to drain sea spray!
Which ferry co & ship ? : Photos when I find
- Herald of Free Enterprise. Sunk,
sailed out of port with Bow door up
Even if a port is marked here as "No Car Ferries", still
listed as shipping operators, as to quote a friend
Truck ferries used to allow cars, just didn't
advertise. I think Dunkirk,
France, France - Dover was truck
only originally.
Corona legal
restrictions on travel constantly change, so this page
links to reference sources, but does not include age-ing
info that would need maintenance.
Index Of Countries Corona Border Regulations
Corona info to trust where ? Who is
authoritative on legal requirements ?
Best [if one can] trust the Official web site of
government of the country you will visit describing
their own requirements.
(But French government web pages weren't
up to date for a week or more after the Omicron
panic, & France even banned French living in
London, returning to France for Xmas, then
relaxed a tad, allowing Brits who lived in France
to return to France, but still banned transit of
other EU citizens back from UK via France to
other EU countries, then allowed (&
documented on web) transit back from UK of
unaccounted Brits resident in other EU
Use just as hints, to then search on
official sites:
- Your home country's government page about
other countries regulations (may be wrong or old)
- Ferry & Tunnel operators web pages
- Media
Do not trust non government sites, eg commercial
travel providers.
eg; Do not believe
Chunnel: "Our understanding of the UK
Government's position is that" about
quarantine exemption. Instead read
rules &
job exemptions
gov . uk / guidance / travel - to - england -
from - another - country - during - coronavirus -
covid - 19
("You can take the test any time after you
arrive and before the end of day 2 at the latest.
The day you arrive in England is day
Pre departure test:
gov . uk / guidance / coronavirus - covid - 19
- testing - for - people - traveling - to -
england # type - of - test
The test must meet performance standards
of #97% specificity, #80% sensitivity at
viral loads above 100,000 copies/ml.
This could include tests such as:
a nucleic acid test, including a PCR
LAMP test
an antigen test, such as an LFD (lateral
flow device) test
You must check with your test provider that
the test meets the standards. You may not be
able to travel if it does not.
The test could be either:
a face-to-face or in-person test
a self-administered test
For comparison,
Before arrival,
Booking the Day 2 PCR Test
Passenger Locator Form, filled before arrival,
needs the order number of the Day 2 PCR Test
gov . uk / provide - journey - contact -
details - before - travel - uk
Form needs the detail from booking the Day 2
PCR Test
Last I looked: Typical badly worded UK
government corona
web page with the 'must' in "You must
complete the form online." & GBP 100 fine
& "You cannot submit the form until 48
hours before you're due to arrive in the UK."
Though further reading back then referred to
filling form on arrival. Doubtless all
changed weekly. But Not everyone has
internet, especially while traveling, &
itineraries can change, on factors inc.
various government's frequent snap rule
gouvernement . fr / en / news
- @ 2022-02-21 Useless: - Last item was "10
September 2020"
- @ 2022-06-06 Obsolete - Whole directory is
gone & redirects to URL OK 2022-06-06: www .
gouvernement . fr
- For old pages: URL OK 2022-06-06:
archive . org
By German Government
By UK Government:
- By UK Government
By German Government
UK Government: Maritime and Coastguard Agency &
Maritime passenger rights