Pro EU rally & bike ride tomorrow 5th May promoting EU
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Subject: Re: Pro EU rally & bike ride tomorrow 5th May
promoting EU elections.
From: "Julian H. Stacey" <>
User-agent: EXMH on FreeBSD
In-reply-to: Your message "Sun, 05 May 2019 00:10:56 +0200."
Date: Mon, 06 May 2019 15:50:44 +0200
To: "Brexited
"Antje Lenkeit, Sunday EU Demo & Bike ride organiser"
Hi Brexited
Brits & Cyclists etc,
A description of what you missed, snug at home in the warm
yesterday ;-) inc. a few improvement ideas for future
( I got sweating hot, racing late to join the start of bike
rally, which I missed, as I confused the Europa Platz
start point, Mea Culpa);
I caught 1 of the bike groups up outside first embassy. A
speaker told us something at each of the embassies, could have
been interesting, but too quiet, didn't hear some, especially
when traffic passed, & she fluffed her lines a few times
too. A few audience chipped in info & comment.
Maybe 15 or so cyclists, several with Ordner (=Marshal or
whatever) on sleeve. 1 police car & 5 or so motor bikes as
escort, sufficient for a much larger group if bad weather
hadn't reduced us.
First time I've cycled through numerous red lights under
police escort, a marshal enjoyed that too ;-) Almost more
police than us though. I cycled with my large dual flags UK+EU
on erected 2 piece pole in large backpack: do-able with a
counterweight which I had, but although centred at the top, it
slipped sideways in base of backpack, so a board with a hole in
middle would be good to centre such poles, I'll make one
against future contingency.
I reduced extendable pole height for cycling to reduce the
sway effect, (which wasn't too bad in slow bike convoy, but
would have been dangerous in real traffic.) We cycled so slow
that at times the sail flapped in front of my face. especially
starting & turning. One couldn't go faster 'cos the police
car at front set a slow pace for slow cyclists. A lower gear is
better for faster acceleration, to force a swaying obscuring
big flag backward.
At Odeonsplatz We
arrived early & waited cold a long while. Locked up bike
for something to do, only place is North West corner. Podium on
truck under Feld Herren Halle continued to set up speakers,
& test microphones. The musicians spent a long time
practising, while audience was cold, nothing to do.
No info stand to pick up leaflets to read. There was a
vacant portable roof, South East of square, but nothing under
it, no banners, leaflets, petitions to signs, flags to buy,
collection tin for expenses, no slips of paper with web refs to
where an index of speakers transcripts or notes might later
appear on web
No people at a table as catalyst to focus casual
conversation groups that might spin off. No independent vendors
selling any hot drinks or cold, or anything edible (eg no roast
chestnut stands - too late in year ) A cafe on North West of
square was open for take away hot drink.
A couple of passers by asked what it was about, I offered
leaflets Antje had given me Sat., but one questioner already
had that. An audience member next to me with a modern low slung
trike explained something to questioner about some Munich
council plan for a bike route. He was collecting signatures for
a bike petition. I started to listen ...
Lively loud music finally started, interleaved with
speeches. Enjoyed the music, Jewish or Armenian ? East European
anyway, Can't remember name of band.
Some boiler plate "Socialists 'R Us" type speeches from SPD,
The wind flew the large UK + EU flags well, balancing one
handed gave something to do ;-) But the calls for EU to finally
tax google & starbucks etc more than just a Donner Kebab
Bude drew particularly wide support, left & right support
that :-)
An old lady stopped by, attracted by all the EU flags, &
told us other parties support EU too, & suggested SPD
wasn't best for us, I told her I wasn't SPD, but was for
finally taxing the American multi-nationals that exploit the
Various foreigners, ie EU members spoke of their countries.
No mention of any bike issues/ plans (or too cold & missed
it ?)
Brexit: David H
spoke, He may have got a number wrong, something about 1.[3/7]
million couldn't vote?, But I wasn't concentrating as cold
& know all that well, eg. Refs to 700+K in EU from
Telegraph & revised 3.7 M global by Sec of State in
Hansard, Refs in
He asked Europeans to hold the door open for Britain, but
nothing specific, no concrete request, eg to go sign Petition
to EU for Permanent European Union Citizenship
One of last speakers spoke far too long near the end in his
own East European language no one near me knew, (He was
trilingual inc German & English), a short bit would have
been enough.
No speaker I recall said the equivalent of
"More about this at web site www.WHATEVER/event"
Lots of police at Odeonsplatz initially from aggregated bike
rides + those originally at the focal point, far more than our
small crowd needed, presumably because of cold weather. It got
windier & colder & crowd, never big, gradually shrank,
especially at end when we were frozen by 19:10 By then near all
police had gone too.
AT least the rain held off, but wind & cold detracted
from hanging around at Odeonsplatz. Hard to arrange such a
complex outdoor event though, against unknown future weather.
Thanks to Antje & all her helpers for organising despite
bitter weather.
There's an indoor forum event about Brexit on the 17th, I will
forward detail later from CC'd Antje to
Contact CC'd "Antje Lenkeit" <> direct
to book your seat.
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Cheers, Julian